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Etude : Statistiques culturelles pour l’Union européenne (Eurostat)

This publication is based on the European framework for cultural statistics drawn up in 2000. The ESSnet-culture, a network of countries working together on methodological issues relating to cultural statistics, is currently developing an updated framework taking into account the 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics. The ESSnet will present the outcomes of its work in autumn 2011, with the aim of strengthening statistical knowledge on culture and the comparability of cultural data across the European Union.
Statistics on culture cover many aspects of economic and social life. With the adoption of the Europe 2020 strategy, a policy approach that will help Europe find innovative solutions to current challenges, it is more than ever essential to underline the importance of culture in the European Union’s objective of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Against this background, cultural statistics can serve to support the growing interest of policy-makers in culture and its role in society, the economy and the cohesion of Europe.

Citer cet article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/Etude-Statistiques-culturelles.html

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