Accueil du site > Ressources > Nouveautés parutions > Octobre 2017 > Propaganda, Persuasion and the Great War. Heredity in the modern sale of products and political ideas

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PEDRINI Pier Paolo

Propaganda, Persuasion and the Great War. Heredity in the modern sale of products and political ideas

Routledge, 2018, 226 p., £105.

How to persuade citizens to enlist ? How to convince them to fight in a war which was, for many, distant in terms of kilometres as well as interest ? Modern persuasion techniques, both political and commercial, were used to motivate enlistment and financial support to build a "factory of consensus". The propagandists manipulated the public, guiding their thoughts and actions according to the wishes of those in power and were therefore the forerunners of spin doctors and marketing and advertising professionals. Their posters caught the attention of members of the public with images of children and beautiful women, involving them, nourishing their inner needs for well-being and social prestige, motivating them by showing them testimonials in amusing and adventurous situations, and inspiring their way of perceiving the enemy and the war itself, whose objective was to "make the world safe for democracy". In the discourse of this strategy we find storytelling, humour, satire and fear, but also the language of gestures, recognized as important for the completeness of messages. Were the propagandists "hidden persuaders" who knew the characteristics of the human mind ? We do not know for certain. However, their posters have a personal and consistent motivation which this book intends to demonstrate.

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