Accueil du site > Actualités > Séminaires > > Séminaire Médiapolis, CARISM (IFP) / CEVIPOF (Sciences Po), 20 novembre 2009, 14h-17h.


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Séminaire Médiapolis, CARISM (IFP) / CEVIPOF (Sciences Po), 20 novembre 2009, 14h-17h.

Conférence de David MORLEY, Goldsmiths College, London University, Royaume Uni
"Between the worlds of the News and the News-Less..."
This presentation will address the premises of conventional perspectives on the contribution of news media to cultural and political life. It will explore the definition of ’newsworthiness’ and its relation to quotidian (and specifically, suburban) life ; the constitution of news audiences ; the limits of different ’public’ spheres ; and what potential significance the development of ’new media’ might have in this context.
David MORLEY est Professeur de Communication au Goldsmiths College, London University, où il dirige le programme doctoral du "Department of Media and Communications". Ses ouvrages ont été publiés en 15 langues et il est l’auteur entre autres, de The Nationwide Audience (BFI 1980), Family Television (Comedia 1986), Television, Audiences and Cultural Studies (Routledge 1992), Spaces of Identity : Global Media, Electronic Landscapes and Cultural Boundaries (with Kevin Robins, Routledge 1996), Home Territories : Media, Mobility and Identity (Routledge 2001), Media, Modernity and Technology : The Geography of the New (Routledge, 2006).

Lieu : Université Panthéon-Assas Paris 2, Centre Blaise Desgoffe, 4 rue Blaise Desgoffe, Paris 75006 (métro Saint Placide) - Salle Georges Vedel (6ème étage). Contact : Josyane Jouët /

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