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22 - Les mondes de la musique

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Didier Francfort

You said "classic"? The classical music on the French television from the 1950s to 1990s

Le Temps des médias n°22, Printemps 2014, p. 107-122.


In the 1950’s, some television shows were destined to broadcast to a large audience what is best in classical music. This project, which was meant to be sustained, has been modified. Bernard Gavoty, who was a precursory figure in musical television, had a vast musical culture which was perceived, rightly or wrongly, as elitist. In the 1960’s, a period of experimentation allowed contemporary music to reach television with a show entitled Arcana. Le Grand Echiquier by Jacques Chancel brought another public dimension to this, in which classical music has integrated a global cultural logic.

To quote this article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/You-said-classic-The-classical.html

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