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26 - Afrique(s), entre histoire et mémoire(s)

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François Robinet

The role of France in Rwanda: French journalists in the middle of a new war of memory (1994-2015)

Le Temps des médias n° 26, Printemps 2016, p. 211-230.


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Since 1994, France is questioned for its involvement in Rwanda before, during and at the end of the Rwandan genocide. Severe charges are carried by activists, journalists or researchers. This contribution aims at understanding how this controversy is present in a long-lasting way in the French political and media scene. Through the study of the speeches produced in the French news media since 1994, it analyzes the role of the journalists in the factory of conflicting memories on the event : whereas certain journalists highlight facts, documents and testimonies allowing knowledge to progress about the terms of the French commitments, others relay approximate speeches, wrinkled even revisionist on the genocide of Tutsi. The study of these conflicting stories drew a map of the mediators, networks or institutions engaged for twenty years in this new battle of memory.

To quote this article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/The-role-of-France-in-Rwanda.html

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