18 - Histoire de l’Internet, l’Internet dans l’histoire
The internationalization of Internet governance : an unfinished business
Le Temps des médias n°18, Printemps 2012, p. 29-40.>> Acheter cet article sur CAIRN
When the word « governance » was applied to the Internet, its first meaning was the technical management of IP addresses and Domain Names. Once settled by its pioneers, the Internet system has been mostly under the control of US government and corporations. Its democratization and internationalization were at the center of strong controversies at the time of the UN-World Summit on Information Society. Till now, Internet Governance remains an « orphan issue » : no general agreement can be found on its principles and instruments, no institution is currently able to deal with the global challenges it poses.
To quote this article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/The-internationalization-of.html