25 - De la nature à l’écologie
Jacques Walter
The Douaumont Ossuary in French Daily Newspapers: From the idea to the inauguration
Le Temps des médias n° 25, Automne 2015, p. 244-263.>> Acheter cet article sur CAIRN
The Douaumont ossuary emerges from the ground in about ten years. We can identify several steps to this emergence : public formulation of the idea, laying of the founding stone, architecture competition, partial inauguration, final inauguration. Why should we care about their treatment in the newspapers of that time ? Not so much to account that the editorial surface dedicated to them and the period of publishing are varying according to the newspaper, but rather to analyze the evolutions of the meanings attributed to the monument, as well as the ways in which it is invested by different categories of actors who do not share the same commemorative craze. If religion is an important factor in the ossuary’s construction, politics and the medias are also involved. These three are interacting with each other, undertaking a never ending work of redevelopment of the past in the present.