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26 - Afrique(s), entre histoire et mémoire(s)

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Samuel Lelièvre

Representations of the Past and Narrative Memory in African Cinemas

Le Temps des médias n° 26, Printemps 2016, p. 93-110.


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Because of the political and social history of Africa during the 20th and 21st century and of a late and heterogeneous development of the filmic medium across the continent, African cinemas have developed an omnipresent and confusing relationship to history and memory. The period ranging from the seventies to present day, with a turning point during the nineties, shows a transition from the myth of historical appropriation to the entanglement of relationships to history and memory. In the perspective of a straightforward connection to history and a fairer articulation between reality representation and narrative emplotment, those relationships of African cinemas to history and memory require to firmly maintain the distinction between history and memory, on the conceptual and epistemic level, while upholding the tension that necessarily exists between these two terms, on the practical and aesthetic level.

To quote this article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/Representations-of-the-Past-and.html

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