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22 - Les mondes de la musique

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Karine Boulanger

Paris Opera and newspapers, just beafore World War one

Le Temps des médias n°22, Printemps 2014, p. 64-76.


In the beginning of the XXth century, the Opera enjoyed good relationships with the main newspapers. Some of its staff’s members had been journalists or used to write music reviews. The theater published some notes about new productions or important singers in order to give its public a foretaste of the show. Letters from composers, singers and foreign conductors were divulged. Some members of the staff used their relations with their former colleagues and wrote articles praising the Opera and the new works, or asked another reviewer to write a paper including photographs supplied by the theatre. Despise this collusion between the Opera and the newspapers, the music critics still maintained a form of independence, but tuned their writings with their papers’ or magazines’ main line. This equilibrium came to an end when the directors of the Opera let known their anger at reading the bad reviews published by Comoedia. This newspaper attacked relentlessly the theater and tried to obtain the two director’s dismissal. The consequences, however, were dire for Comoedia : prosecuted, its staff decided to tone down the reviews and recruited another journalist.

To quote this article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/Paris-Opera-and-newspapers-just.html

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