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26 - Afrique(s), entre histoire et mémoire(s)

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Jonathan Landau

Mémoire d’un continent: a history of cooperation

Le Temps des médias n° 26, Printemps 2016, p. 197-210.


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In regard to media coverage of African history, the radio program Mémoire d’un continent (RFI, Radio France Internationale) is considered as a reference in the Francophone Africa. On the contrary, its reputation in France doesn’t go beyond the Africanist researcher community. Created under the initiative of the Office de coopération radiophonique (OCORA) in 1969 by a small group of passionated individuals, Mémoire d’un continent was designed with the aim of making the Africans know better about their history. In this regard, the radio broadcasts were systematically recorded and sent to Africa. This program carried on, constantly reinventing itself and building strong relationships with the Francophone African continent, a privileged partner of the previous Foreign Aid Service Minister. This article reviews the history of this radio program and questions the relationships it had with Africa, on the media, cultural and political points of view.

To quote this article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/Memoire-d-un-continent-a-history.html

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