22 - Les mondes de la musique
Philippe Jian
“L’Alsace-Lorraine française” : aspects and limits of a propaganda of State during the Great War
Le Temps des médias n°22, Printemps 2014, p. 175-187.The propaganda of State about Alsace-Lorraine during the Great War is shared between the propaganda structure of the war ministry and that of the quai d’Orsay. The dispersal of the means and the energies testifies of the incapacity of the State to centralize the propaganda action which it limits in the time of war. By neglecting to prepare the frames of a "good peace" public authorities so show them not much interest for the "psychological warfare".
To quote this article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/L-Alsace-Lorraine-francaise,5308.html