Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 02 - Publicité, quelle histoire ? > Enseignes, cris, textes. Les pratiques publicitaires au Moyen àge

02 - Publicité, quelle histoire ?

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Marie-Anne Polo de Beaulieu

Enseignes, cris, textes. Les pratiques publicitaires au Moyen àge

Le Temps des médias n°2, printemps 2004, p.8-16.

The social and economic background of the Middle Ages must be taken into account so as to understand the variety of advertising practices and their effect on the market and on consumers. The manufacture and sale of products depended on the rules laid down by corporations and guilds, so as to guarantee the quality of the product, to prevent unfair trading practice and to ensure “fair price” for consumers. In an illiterate society, advertising practices were more oral and visual than textual. The “Shouts of Paris” highlighted the quality of a wide range of foodstuffs and services. Signs and posters of inns and shops used a visual code understandable by all - whereas texts announcing say, deforestation, the arrival of a new teacher or the opening of a new university were supplemented by oral means. It’s impossible to measure the impact of advertising, but various narrative accounts and legal texts testify to their effectiveness. DrapeauFrancais

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