Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 10 - Peopolisation et politique > Catalyse et parenthèse enchantée. Quand le fait divers rencontre la politique-people

10 - Peopolisation et politique

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Annik Dubied

Catalyse et parenthèse enchantée. Quand le fait divers rencontre la politique-people

Le Temps des médias n°10, printemps 2008, p.142-155

The meeting of human interest stories, celebrity news and politics news impacts on the workings of the media. A narrative approach helps pinpoint the key issues that emerge from the intertwining of these two media genres. Both are approached as hybrids, as they both pertain to the realm of news, on the one hand, and the realm of entertainment, on the other. Fictional effects, personalization and discontinuities in the temporal configurations within narratives are highlighted. DrapeauFrancais

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