Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 02 - Publicité, quelle histoire ? > Between the devil and the deep blue sea : news agencies in France and Britain that either flirtwith, or love, advertisin

02 - Publicité, quelle histoire ?

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Michael Palmer

Between the devil and the deep blue sea : news agencies in France and Britain that either flirtwith, or love, advertisin

Le Temps des médias n°2, printemps 2004, p.41-48.

In the English-speaking world, it is rare to find news agencies that, in addition are, or have been, advertising agencies. In France, for about a hundred years, the leading news agency was also the leading advertising agency. This organisation, Havas, which saw itself as the first international news agency of modern times, worked in close cooperation, but with occasional disagreements, with Reuters, the leading international news agency set up in London in 1851. This paper looks at the brief period when Reuters itself attempted to set up an advertising agency, during a fraught relationship with Havas. DrapeauFrancais

To quote this article : http://histoiredesmedias.com/Between-the-devil-and-the-deep.html

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